Client Profile


Golf courses / Soil agronomy / SaaS / Environmental monitoring

A dramatic rebranding and multi-year marketing campaign helped this soil agronomy company conquer the worldwide golf course market.

POGO is a division of Stevens who adapted their market-leading soil sensor technology into a portable sensor product for the golf market. After about a year into this venture we were brought on board to completely rebrand the division, develop new messaging and a slick eCommerce website and run all marketing for the next 5 years.

What we did:

An Infinite Number of Monkeys have been a resource for several years that I have learned to depend on, trust and respect for their professionalism. They developed messaging, devised, managed and executed marketing strategies, and handled all aspects of our marketing efforts, essentially becoming an off-site member of our management team. In the 4 years since we hired them, our revenues have grown consistently year over year, with our latest advances exceeding 40% over the previous year.

Carmen Magro, VP Business Development



Early in our multi-year contract with POGO, as part of the creation of a new POGO brand, we developed a complete messaging framework.

A brochure on a wooden table with the word pco on it, displaying marketing strategies and website information.


A brochure about a website in British Columbia, Canada featuring the word "pgo.

Product Manuals

In addition to developing all graphic design and messaging for marketing collateral, we created most customer-facing product documentation including manuals, quick-start guides and setup sheets.

A brochure showcasing various cell phones available in Canada.

Management Reporting

As the in-house, outsourced marketing department, we regularly analyzed and presented reports on the previous quarter/year performance to the management team.

A marketing brochure with the words "website traffic" prominently displayed on it.

App Design

We designed the smartphone app UI/UX, illustrated how it’s used, and created a way to effectively demonstrate it at tradeshows using a 42″ touchscreen mounted vertically on a stand to simulate a giant smartphone.

A hand in British Columbia, Canada is pointing at a mobile phone screen on a website.

Print Ads

We designed and ran print ads monthly in several industry specific magazines, including Golf Course Management, Golfdom and Golf Course Industry.

A marketing magazine showcasing a stunning image of a golf course in Canada.

A person holding up a brochure advertising a polo website.

Brochures and Sales Collateral

Sales brochures were important for use at tradeshows and for use by the sales team, who held in-person meetings throughout the year. We created brochures for every POGO product, revising them continually, and printing batches of 200-500 at a time.

A collection of marketing brochures with green and white pages.

Case Studies

Several case studies were developed to showcase how customers have utilized POGO products to achieve their business goals. They were distributed through tradeshows, the website and social media in video and print (or downloadable PDF) form.

A brochure with a map of a golf course for marketing purposes.

A marketing brochure featuring a picture of a man playing golf, ideal for promoting a website in Canada.


We designed, planned and managed all marketing and helped exhibit at the yearly GIS (Golf Industry Show), which is the largest golf conference in the world. This is an early booth design (sub-$5000) shown during setup.

This mockup shows a later 20′ x 40′ booth design which included a 9′ x 19′ golf green that allowed customers to try out the product in real turf.


A trade show booth with a green table and chairs, showcased at a trade show in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Visitors can also find more information about this booth on our website.

Eric was integral in helping us develop a brand that is now a staple in the turfgrass industry. Everything that his team produced for us, from videos, to websites to trade show displays, was consistently professional and top-notch. His communication is exceptional, and his attention to detail and proactive approach to understanding the task at hand leaves no doubt the job will be done well and thoroughly.

Carmen Magro, VP Business Development


Video Work

POGO App demo

POGO Overview - combination of on-location footage and motion graphics highlighting the most impactful benefits of the product in under 2 minutes - 2016

POGO System Overview - 2016

POGO Promotional video (Spanish) - 2017

POGO hardware overview - 2018

POGO TurfPro Cloud - 2018

POGO App Overview - 2018

Angel Park Golf Club - filmed on location in Las Vegas - 2017

Thai Country Club, Part 1 - note that we did not do the video or sound capture—it was cleaned up as much as possible, but was of fairly poor quality to begin with - 2018

Thai Country Club, Part 2 - note that we did not do the video or sound capture—it was cleaned up as much as possible, but was of fairly poor quality to begin with - 2018

PGA West, Palm Springs, Part 1 - Our lighting equipment box was lost by the airline so unfortunately the interviews are quite dark, however the drone footage is excellent- 2019

PGA West, Palm Springs - Part 2 - 2019

PGA West, Palm Springs, Part 3 - 2019

POGO Tutorial - Charging the POGO - 2016

POGO Tutorial - Registering a New Account - 2016

POGO Tutorial - Connection the POGO to Your Smartphone and App - 2016